It is stress­ful enough to fig­ure out the dai­ly meal menu let alone if your child has a num­ber of aller­gies. Lexi has shown hyper-sen­si­tiv­i­ty to all of the major food aller­gens, includ­ing: wheat, soy, eggs, dairy, fish, tree nuts, and a num­ber of oth­ers. It has been very chal­leng­ing and lim­it­ing as to what to cook for her.  And now, she is curi­ous and want to eat what the adults eat. So we have to be extra care­ful what we eat in front of her.

On Lex­i’s first birth­day, my wife and I want­ed to cel­e­brate it with a cake. We were not able to find any with­out wheat, milk, soy, or egg. So, I impro­vised and made my own. It came out too dry and grainy, because I used bananas in place of but­ter and egg, and corn and rice flour instead of wheat flour. It was not a total fail­ure, but it was not as ide­al as I had hoped.

I start­ed search­ing for aller­gy-friend­ly recipes. They are rather dif­fi­cult to find since many of them sub­sti­tute soy or almond milk for cows milk, and wheat and eggs are com­mon ingre­di­ents in a lot of foods. I start­ed look­ing for my own sub­sti­tute ingre­di­ents. Below is a list Lex­i’s favorite menu items. Please share your per­son­al col­lec­tion via com­ment or email.